Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Healthy Food Journey and the Nutribullet Rx-College Edition

For the past, lets say two to three months, I have been trying to improve my diet. It has been something that I have been wanting to do for about a year, but didn't get serious about until recently. I live right across from my college campus, so it was just easy to eat something there. Well, let's just say my college does not have the healthiest choices when it comes to food, but don't get me wrong, they definitely try.

Eating healthy while in college can be very difficult, especially when you are on a tight budget. Honestly, when it came to food, all I really thought about was "what is going to keep me full for the rest of the day?" Health was not particularly on my mind. But after learning a bit more on it, and its connection to diet, I wanted to do better.

So, what got me serious?
I was always tired. I didn't know why I was so exhausted, but after talking to an acquaintance, she said that it was probably my diet. She asked me what I had eaten that day and I simply told her: two mini cupcakes, a mini muffin, some mac and cheese, and some chips (I think they were Cheetos). She then asked me if I took vitamins, and I said no because I didn't think that I needed them. That was when I decided that it probably was my diet, and that it was time to eat better.

But, there was a problem. I didn't know how to start. Over the summer I had gone to Pinky Promise Conference, a women's conference in Atlanta, and while there I purchased a book called A Perfect Recipe by Heather Lindsey. It's a 30 day devotional that has great tips and recipes when it comes to food and life. I decided to look into it and found a grocery list of fruit, vegetables, nuts, spices, grain, and a few other categories. I created my own grocery list using it as a reference, and went to a grocery store known for local, fresh, and organic food.

Since I was on a budget, I chose to get organic frozen fruit and vegetables (with the exception of a couple of sweet potatoes), stuck to my list (unless the store didn't have what I was looking for), and kept up with prices. I actually spent less than I normally would, and I was so surprised. I was even more surprised after my first healthy meal because I immediately felt energized. I thought it was a trick, or some sort of placebo effect, but I truly felt a lot better.

 For a while now, I have been avoiding pork and beef. I'll eat it if I have to, but if I have a choice I never do. I found out that I like turkey and chicken a lot better. For example. I love turkey bacon, more than I like pork bacon, and now I don't really like barbecue ribs or pork chops. I can't say that I avoided these meats for any particular reason, it just happened, and now that it has been so long, they just don't taste as good to me any more.

I am so happy with this choice, and now I have even found new food favorites. Like cashews. I never used to eat nuts, but they are really good to me now, and remind me potatoe chips. It's a good alternative. I still eat "junk" food every now and then, but a lot less. I actually don't eat it to replace a meal (I used to eat a bag of chips for dinner if I didn't have anything else).

Something else that I am sort of excited about is the Nutribullet Rx (a blender). My mom got it for me after she heard I was trying to eat more healthy foods. I really didn't want her to get it for me after seeing the price, but she insisted, and I think it hurts peoples pride when you don't accept their gifts. She called it a early birthday present, so I gave in even though I was skeptical. I used it for the first time last week, and I was amazed. I used it to make my own version of tomato bisque, and so far I'm speechless-in a good way. One of the good things about this blender is that it can make soup. I mean it actually comes out hot by the end of the soupblast cycle. You just put the ingredients in, and seven minutes later, soup! Now, I just have to see how well it does with smoothies and what-not. Milkshakes!

Eating healthy will now be apart of my lifestyle. I like it.


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