Thursday, August 13, 2015

College Survival: Making friends, loneliness, and losing friends.

Hello everyone! Today I have a different sort of post. In this part of my College Survival series I made a video. School is about to start up again, and I think these are great tips for someone just entering a new campus. So if you are interested, check it out.

Feel free to comment about any suggestions you have for this new time.

With love,


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What the Book of John teaches us

The Book of John teaches us many things, and here are a few of them that stood out to me. I recommend reading it if you feel led to, and hopefully it will amaze you. I have learned so much from this Book especially with the whole "study" portion of my woman's study bible! For example, did you know that John and Christ were 1st cousins?! That's so crazy, but makes a lot of sense when I think about it. Anyway moving on...

Found in Chapter 1
In the beginning, there was the Word. The Word was always there, but no one recognized it. Everything that has ever been made, would not have been made if not for the Word. Because everything was made through the Word. God spoke everything into existence during Genesis.

The Word is Christ, and he is the light that has always been here, and that still exists. Darkness has never, and will never overcome the light. Christ is the light of the world, though the world didn't recognize it. (world=people) So, the Word became flesh. He went to those that were his own (the Jews of that time), but they didn't receive Him. However, some did, and anyone who did, he gave the right to become children of God. Spiritually born of God. He came to save those who were in the world.

Here are some of the things of the Book of John that stand out to me. And also, some of the things that Christ teaches us.

"Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." John 3:3
       -This is talking about the acceptance of Christ and the Holy Spirit into our lives. We all make our own choices, but the first step to having Christ into our life, is to become born again-

"Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit" John 3;5

Here Jesus (or Yeshua), was talking to Nicodemus a member of the Jewish ruling council. He was confused when he heard this, and wondered what it meant to be "born again". You cant just jump back into your mothers womb again can you, and she definitely wouldn't want you too. You're way to big! So, how do you do this? Well, pray. Say you would like to be born again, to be saved. When people get baptized, it represents this.

-God loved the world so much he gave up his one and only son.(ch. 4) He was tortured, stripped, and ridiculed so that the world's sins could be brought upon him. He was punished, so that his children would not be.

-There are those who will not accept the light, or hate it because they love the darkness and evil. They will stay away from the light because they fear that their deeds will be exposed. But, people who live by the truth and want to come into the light, know that everything they have done, and will do, is done in the sight of God. (Ch 4)

-anyone who hears the Word and believes it, has crossed over from death to life. Sin leads to death. but whoever believes, will not be judged, and will have eternal life.(ch 5)

-"The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent"John 6:29

Okay, Prophecy was a big part of this book. Past prophecies that were spoken of in the old testament, were fulfilled in this time to show that Jesus was the messiah.

Sometimes things happen, and we don't understand why. But there are for God's glory. For a later glory. (to get others to believe,etc.)

Jesus said that if you loved him you will follow his commands. As I was going through the Book of John, those commands were to Believe, Love one another ( as he loved-he constantly healed,served, and taught those around him) and loving one another will show others who his disciples are, To pray, and to Remain in Him (what are you focused on)

As I was writing this, I felt like I should stop because it really is important that others learn things for themselves. It is a process, and it is important to learn things at your own pace, and through God's timing.

There is so much more to this book, and I was surprised by how much I learned and loved it. It just shows how much Christ cares for us, and wants us to be united with Him and the Father. But, I'm going to stop here.(Thank you for reading this bit of teaser)

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below.

With love,


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Life Update: Some news about something new

Hello everyone, I have something to tell you...




I started a YouTube channel! I am actually really excited about this, and I have wanted one in the past, but never did it. I guess I just didn't have enough confidence in myself. However, after I saw a quote on Instagram that was completely rude to my life, I changed my mind and went for it.

But first I saw this one: "Stop fearing the worst possible scenario and simply believe the best"-Heather Lindsey-

After reading this, I really just felt the urge to go ahead and start a channel. Fear shouldn't hold us back from doing something that we really want to do. The whole point of this blog is to help me follow my passions, and I hope that anyone reading this will follow theirs as well. Follow the passions that are full of light, and maybe something amazing can happen.

The quote that completely disrespected me, and further pushed me into making a channel was this: "God doesn't give his anointing to lazy Christians"-David Wilkerson-

It struck me because I have had one lazy summer. But I do agree that it is not good to be idle.

If anyone is curious about my channel, and first YouTube video. You can check it out here. It might not appeal to everyone considering it's about hair and Senegalese twists but...yeah.

Anyway, thank you for reading

With love,


P.s. My next post will be about the Book of John, and some of the things that Christ has taught us through it.