Friday, April 17, 2015

My 21st Birthday and First Drinking Experience

21st birthday look
Well, I must say that last evening/night- then early morning-was one of the the best, embarrassing, and hilarious times of my life. To start off, my day was already somewhat hectic with having to go back and forth on and off campus, and then not really being able to take a break before my guests arrived. I decided about a week before that I wanted to go to Savannah, to visit a Caribbean restaurant and then go to Wet Willies- a Daiquiri bar. Let's just say nothing went as planned.
One of my friends decided that she would like to do my hair for the event, and another called me about an hour and a half before we were supposed to leave about doing my make-up. By the time either of them could arrive, along with another one of my friends, we had less than an hour for me to get ready. See, the friend who wanted to do my hair underestimated the thickness and quantity of my strands. And the other couldn't start my make-up until she finished. Guests had already arrived and waited and watched as I got ready, but it seemed that no one really minded. I looked amazing when they both finished. I had never seen myself look like that before( I hardly ever wear make-up). I felt like I looked like a different person, and a little like my mom,which was weird.
We were all finally able to leave, and lo and behold, the Caribbean restaurant decided to close at 9:00pm...on a Friday. Its a good thing we checked, before we actually arrived-I honestly thought they closed at 10:30. Anyway, our caravan of three cars stopped at a gas station so we could fill up gas, before continuing the journey. While we were filling up-BAM! a car ran into us as they were backing out the parking lot. I took it as a bad omen, not to mention my head had started hurting really badly because my hair was to tight. By this time, I really just wanted to say screw it and go home. But we continued on, even though now we were really delayed.
The River Street of Savannah, GA was beautiful (and a hassle to find parking in). I decided we should all just go to Wet Willies, but then we found out they stopped letting people under 21 in at 5 pm, and half my guests were still 20 =( I chose a restaurant along River street that seemed reasonably priced, ordered water, food, and then my first drink. I got an apple orchard beer cider thing-apparently not the most ideal first drink. It wasn't bad, but I only took about ten sips of it total. When I was eating this corn crab chowder, I noticed my stomach started to hurt. I just walked it off at first as we explored the city after eating, but it just got worse. My friends suggested I should sit down, and then it happened.
I said: " I think I'm gonna puke", and then I did... in front of everyone. Surprisingly, only a few of them really backed away. The rest just watched me throw up in some weird fascination, and no one really seemed disgusted. They just discussed the contents of my stomach, and reassured me that I would feel a lot better after. I really did feel a better afterward, especially since my friends were making biblical references about my vomit that had me cracking up with laughter. Proverbs 26:11 is "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats their folly." Its about how people return back to their sin, or past mistakes (vomit) even though its something we should let go because its not good for us. So, my friends were saying things like "Walk away from the vomit!" and "Don't be as a dog who returns to the vomit!"
I class-ily walked away from the vomit, and decided to go to Wet Willies with a few of my older friends. The others stayed outside near the river. I tried some free samples of the drinks, even though I barley got in-the bouncer was questioning me about my id. I guess I didn't really resemble my picture with all the make-up on (and I was 17 in it). It was really fun there until they started playing really slow songs(a sign that they were closing). It would of been a cool place to be if everyone was of age.
We meet with everyone outside again, and played truth or dare. It consisted of embarrassing announcements, a ballet performance, selfies with police officers, and stand up poetry. I think everyone had a good time, and some of my friends had to be verbally dragged away to get back home. It was already about 2 in the morning, and one of my friends had to go to work in a few hours.
As I look back on it, I had a lot of fun, even though it didn't start out that way. I was in pain, and wondering if I had to visit the doctor after that small accident. I got sick, but it was worth it. I was with my friends, who are more like family to me. I am so grateful that I met them all, and could spend time with them to celebrate my birthday. You know its true friendship when you puke in front of everyone, and they still share drinks with you. They are such a blessing to my life.
Well, hopefully you enjoyed my little tale, and I hope it wasn't too long. Thanks for reading!

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