Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Affects of Thinking and Speaking Positively, Letting go of Negativity

Photo taken by Lisa Ajala
As people, we have the ability to influence situations by the way we speak and think. We can build people up, or tear them down just by the use of our tongues. The words that we speak can have so much power over a person or situation, it is completely insane. That is why it is important to think positively about yourself and others. And once you start thinking positively, you'll start speaking positively.

Why is this so important?

In today's culture, it seems normal to just sling insults at one another, and make fun of what people have or don't have, or at what someone does or doesn't do. But, this isn't how things should be, and it certainly doesn't have to be that way. There is a scripture that say's  "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat it's fruit."-Proverbs 18:21-

So, we can literally speak life or death into someone's life, and can speak things into existence. If someone constantly hears "you will never make it" or "you will never succeed", "or "that's so stupid", they might actually start believing it, and make those statements a reality.

Words can hurt...badly.

That's why I want to challenge anyone who is reading this to speak life into people. Speak life into your situation. Speak life into yourself. Be kind. You never know what someone is going through, so be a light in their lives. The only way to push out negativity and darkness, is to bring forth positivity and light. For a small example, If someone is a terrible singer don't tell them to shut-up and stop. Tell them to "practice more", "do what you love", "you'll get it eventually". Don't lie, tell them they need improvement, and please don't send them to American Idol.

Think happy thoughts, believe you can make it out of a situation, believe that you are an asset to someone. Believe in your worth. You're are worth so much, who cares what the negative Nancy's say. It doesn't matter. Know who you are, find out your identity. My name is        , and I am kind, smart, artistic, friendly, unique...etc.

The only thing that matters to me is my identity in Christ, and He says: I am loved,I am forgiven, I have a new identity, I have a future, I have a purpose, and I am secure.

You are not defined by your past, you are not defined by other people, you are not defined by society. Don't let negativity weigh you or others down. Be positive, and if you don't know how to be, take it a step at a time. Wake up in the morning and say "I am alive, and this is going to be a great day" Speak life over yourself, and even if the day doesn't seem that great, it is all about how you handle it. Are you going to be positive about it, or negative.

You decide.

Note: If you are hurting, please let someone know. Don't handle your hardships alone. Speak to someone.

With love,


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