Monday, July 27, 2015

My Hiatus off Facebook

The last time I was on Facebook (before today) was when I posted the blog about my trip to DC. I don't remember the specific reason for getting off my Facebook, but it was weird and eye opening when I got back on it. Nothing had changed. It was just the same people spouting the same opinions over and over again...honestly it feels like it was only a day since I got off of it, and everything just picked up where it was from the time I deactivated my account.

I say that it was eyeopening because I don't think anyone even noticed I was away from it. Well, except my mother when she tried to search for me. And I guess that's not so surprising, considering that a good number of people on Facebook aren't even my friends. Like I don't really have 192 friends, and that's on the low side when it comes to the site! I didn't even really miss using it when I think about it. And, after about three weeks of my hiatus, Facebook wasn't even on my mind anymore.

I did like Facebook, and this post isn't to bash at the site. I just wanted to document my thoughts about it. I liked the funny videos, memes, and vines. It is an entertaining place to be, annoyed me. There were so many opinions coming at me at one time. It can get tiring to hear about so many people's accomplishments, travels, and revelations when your just sitting at home on the internet. I do like hearing about those things, but it's better to hear about them from people you actually talk to in real life. I like people...sometimes. It's cool to hear about all the great things everyone is doing, but when I got back on it, everything about it just seemed so pointless.

I feel like if I really matter to someone, they will seek me out. If someone is truly my friend, they will inquire about me, or we will get in touch with each other. And people actually have :) I have gotten messages from friends who want to hang out, or hear my opinion about something, and I like that. I rather keep up with people that way.

Everybody and their grandma doesn't need to know what I am thinking. And that's ironic considering I have a blog on the internet. But I kinda like this, it's like a different version of a diary-just a little more organized. Later, I'm going to print out everything I have posted, and put it in a portfolio. And even later, I'll probably pass it on to a family member. Because the people you love and care for, and love and care for you back. They are the ones that truly matter. The world doesn't need to know who I am, or remember me when I am no longer here. But, at least someone will. The ones who have loved me.

Note: It reminds me of the Book of John when the Word said that the Pharisees cared more about the praise of men than praise from God.


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