Monday, September 7, 2015

Give Journaling a Shot

For the past month, I have started something new. Journaling. There was no specific reason, I just had the urge to do it this summer. I gave it a try around the middle of August, and have discovered a few benefits of doing so.

1) Its Euphoric. It releases tension. The first day I wrote in my new journal, I guess I wasn't having the best of days. But, as soon as I finished writing, I had a feeling of peace. Like my mind had just gone through a catharsis. 

2) Emotional Self-Discovery. Sometimes people don't know what emotions they are experiencing. Meaning, sometimes you have no idea what exactly you are feeling, and why you feel that way. Writing your thoughts out can help you discover what those feelings are. And, once that happens, you will feel better because you can understand the situation better.

3) You can see how much you have changed. Maybe you have tried journaling before. Have you ever looked back at an old one? What was your personality like? What did you like and dislike? What habits did you have? Have you improved yourself or accomplished past goals? Have you been stagnant? Keeping a journal allows you to look back, and see how much you've changed, or stayed the same.

4) You discover the deeper parts of yourself. When you write, you may surprise yourself. Are you someone who keeps things bottled up? Do you even notice if you do? There are so many layers to each of us. and writing thoughts, feelings, and your experiences, can help you discover those layers. You may be more complex than you think, or a lot more simple!

5) It tells your story. A diary or journal is a place where you can let everything and anything out. You may even find yourself afraid to write those things down. But, it tells the story of your life. A story those around you may or may not ever know. Its an untold one, where you can look back and say "Wow!" This is my life.

6) Good mental health. Mental health is soooo important. Writing things down, and not keeping this bottled up, is a good way to have good mental health. 

So, Why not give journaling a try. There are so many different kinds. Writing ones, art ones, and scrapbook like ones. Here is a video that I thought was both inspiring and nostalgic in a way. 

Anyway until next time,


Thursday, August 13, 2015

College Survival: Making friends, loneliness, and losing friends.

Hello everyone! Today I have a different sort of post. In this part of my College Survival series I made a video. School is about to start up again, and I think these are great tips for someone just entering a new campus. So if you are interested, check it out.

Feel free to comment about any suggestions you have for this new time.

With love,


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What the Book of John teaches us

The Book of John teaches us many things, and here are a few of them that stood out to me. I recommend reading it if you feel led to, and hopefully it will amaze you. I have learned so much from this Book especially with the whole "study" portion of my woman's study bible! For example, did you know that John and Christ were 1st cousins?! That's so crazy, but makes a lot of sense when I think about it. Anyway moving on...

Found in Chapter 1
In the beginning, there was the Word. The Word was always there, but no one recognized it. Everything that has ever been made, would not have been made if not for the Word. Because everything was made through the Word. God spoke everything into existence during Genesis.

The Word is Christ, and he is the light that has always been here, and that still exists. Darkness has never, and will never overcome the light. Christ is the light of the world, though the world didn't recognize it. (world=people) So, the Word became flesh. He went to those that were his own (the Jews of that time), but they didn't receive Him. However, some did, and anyone who did, he gave the right to become children of God. Spiritually born of God. He came to save those who were in the world.

Here are some of the things of the Book of John that stand out to me. And also, some of the things that Christ teaches us.

"Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." John 3:3
       -This is talking about the acceptance of Christ and the Holy Spirit into our lives. We all make our own choices, but the first step to having Christ into our life, is to become born again-

"Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit" John 3;5

Here Jesus (or Yeshua), was talking to Nicodemus a member of the Jewish ruling council. He was confused when he heard this, and wondered what it meant to be "born again". You cant just jump back into your mothers womb again can you, and she definitely wouldn't want you too. You're way to big! So, how do you do this? Well, pray. Say you would like to be born again, to be saved. When people get baptized, it represents this.

-God loved the world so much he gave up his one and only son.(ch. 4) He was tortured, stripped, and ridiculed so that the world's sins could be brought upon him. He was punished, so that his children would not be.

-There are those who will not accept the light, or hate it because they love the darkness and evil. They will stay away from the light because they fear that their deeds will be exposed. But, people who live by the truth and want to come into the light, know that everything they have done, and will do, is done in the sight of God. (Ch 4)

-anyone who hears the Word and believes it, has crossed over from death to life. Sin leads to death. but whoever believes, will not be judged, and will have eternal life.(ch 5)

-"The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent"John 6:29

Okay, Prophecy was a big part of this book. Past prophecies that were spoken of in the old testament, were fulfilled in this time to show that Jesus was the messiah.

Sometimes things happen, and we don't understand why. But there are for God's glory. For a later glory. (to get others to believe,etc.)

Jesus said that if you loved him you will follow his commands. As I was going through the Book of John, those commands were to Believe, Love one another ( as he loved-he constantly healed,served, and taught those around him) and loving one another will show others who his disciples are, To pray, and to Remain in Him (what are you focused on)

As I was writing this, I felt like I should stop because it really is important that others learn things for themselves. It is a process, and it is important to learn things at your own pace, and through God's timing.

There is so much more to this book, and I was surprised by how much I learned and loved it. It just shows how much Christ cares for us, and wants us to be united with Him and the Father. But, I'm going to stop here.(Thank you for reading this bit of teaser)

If you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below.

With love,


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Life Update: Some news about something new

Hello everyone, I have something to tell you...




I started a YouTube channel! I am actually really excited about this, and I have wanted one in the past, but never did it. I guess I just didn't have enough confidence in myself. However, after I saw a quote on Instagram that was completely rude to my life, I changed my mind and went for it.

But first I saw this one: "Stop fearing the worst possible scenario and simply believe the best"-Heather Lindsey-

After reading this, I really just felt the urge to go ahead and start a channel. Fear shouldn't hold us back from doing something that we really want to do. The whole point of this blog is to help me follow my passions, and I hope that anyone reading this will follow theirs as well. Follow the passions that are full of light, and maybe something amazing can happen.

The quote that completely disrespected me, and further pushed me into making a channel was this: "God doesn't give his anointing to lazy Christians"-David Wilkerson-

It struck me because I have had one lazy summer. But I do agree that it is not good to be idle.

If anyone is curious about my channel, and first YouTube video. You can check it out here. It might not appeal to everyone considering it's about hair and Senegalese twists but...yeah.

Anyway, thank you for reading

With love,


P.s. My next post will be about the Book of John, and some of the things that Christ has taught us through it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

When I'm afraid

When I'm afraid, I pray. This happened to me tonight after I watched a YouTube video about Sandra Bland. I was literally afraid for my life that something like that could happen to me. That I would become someone's victim, and then be shown in a negative light, to make what happened seem justifiable. But then, I remembered this...

Psalm 91
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
I will say of the Lord,
"He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
and from deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart
You will not fear the terror of night
nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.You will only observe
with your eyes 
and see the punishment of the wicked.

If you say, "The Lord is my refuge,"
and you make the Most High your dwelling
no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near you tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone .

You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

Because he loves me, "says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, 
for he acknowledges  my name. 
He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, 
I will deliver him and honor him. 
With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation."

Monday, July 27, 2015

My Hiatus off Facebook

The last time I was on Facebook (before today) was when I posted the blog about my trip to DC. I don't remember the specific reason for getting off my Facebook, but it was weird and eye opening when I got back on it. Nothing had changed. It was just the same people spouting the same opinions over and over again...honestly it feels like it was only a day since I got off of it, and everything just picked up where it was from the time I deactivated my account.

I say that it was eyeopening because I don't think anyone even noticed I was away from it. Well, except my mother when she tried to search for me. And I guess that's not so surprising, considering that a good number of people on Facebook aren't even my friends. Like I don't really have 192 friends, and that's on the low side when it comes to the site! I didn't even really miss using it when I think about it. And, after about three weeks of my hiatus, Facebook wasn't even on my mind anymore.

I did like Facebook, and this post isn't to bash at the site. I just wanted to document my thoughts about it. I liked the funny videos, memes, and vines. It is an entertaining place to be, annoyed me. There were so many opinions coming at me at one time. It can get tiring to hear about so many people's accomplishments, travels, and revelations when your just sitting at home on the internet. I do like hearing about those things, but it's better to hear about them from people you actually talk to in real life. I like people...sometimes. It's cool to hear about all the great things everyone is doing, but when I got back on it, everything about it just seemed so pointless.

I feel like if I really matter to someone, they will seek me out. If someone is truly my friend, they will inquire about me, or we will get in touch with each other. And people actually have :) I have gotten messages from friends who want to hang out, or hear my opinion about something, and I like that. I rather keep up with people that way.

Everybody and their grandma doesn't need to know what I am thinking. And that's ironic considering I have a blog on the internet. But I kinda like this, it's like a different version of a diary-just a little more organized. Later, I'm going to print out everything I have posted, and put it in a portfolio. And even later, I'll probably pass it on to a family member. Because the people you love and care for, and love and care for you back. They are the ones that truly matter. The world doesn't need to know who I am, or remember me when I am no longer here. But, at least someone will. The ones who have loved me.

Note: It reminds me of the Book of John when the Word said that the Pharisees cared more about the praise of men than praise from God.


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Going through the Book of John

This summer I have been going through the book of John. At first it was just with my bible study group, but since I didn't always go to bible study, I was behind in it. I started to read it on my own, which turned out to be a really good thing since I have learned a lot.There are things there that I have never really paid attention to before, and others that I learned for the first time.

When I started to read it on my own, I would just read it and move on. Nothing would stick. But, that changed when I got some colorful highlighters. I would highlight the things that stood out to me, and that changed everything. I remember a lot more, and I have now finished the Book of John. Now, I have decided to do a review of everything I have read-so it really sticks. I want to take everything that Christ has taught me through this book, and incorporate it into my life. To live it because everything he said was pretty awesome.

I plan to put my overviews here in separate posts. It was a good 21 chapters, and I was surprised when I finished them. I thought it would take forever as I flipped ahead in the chapters, but I'm glad I stuck it out. I was so closed hearted to this book at first. I told myself "I've read this before" and "I don't want to go through this again". But reading this was a great experience for me, and it actually left me pretty cheerful in the end. So, now I will embark on the second half of my journey of going through the Book of John. Join me if you will.

With love,


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Book Review: "The Short Forever" by Stuart Woods

The Short Forever, is a mystery about an ex cop turned attorney (and investigator), who had a bit of an adventure in England.

The summary states: " The unflappable Stone Barrington comes face to face with two men whose lives are wrapped in shadows and lies-and who both still feel the sting of betrayal they can never forget."

"Hired by an odd client previously unknown to him, Stone arrives in London on a mission he thinks he understands, but doesn't. Soon he finds himself not only out of his territory, but out of depth as well. Stone is baffled by the behavior of both his quarry and his client, and his life is further complicated by two, possibly three murders and the affectionate attentions of two former lovers. When the intelligence services of several countries become involved, he can only hang on for a wild ride and hope for a not-too-bumpy landing."-The Short Forever-

Review: This book was good! I was actually surprised I liked it as much as I did, since I am not used to reading about older characters (they're around their 30's and 40's+). This story had so many twists and shocks in it, there were times where I had to pause and think What!

I have mixed feelings on the characters. I do like the protagonist, and I know characters have their faults and flaws to make them more real and relatable. But, there is just something I didn't like about the female characters. Honestly, I didn't like them at all. I had similar feelings about Stone as well at times. It is most likely due to a clash of values. Maybe even because the author is male (when it came to the women).

I really liked the writing style of the author. It was more simplistic, and not sugary or poetic when it came to the descriptions. I really appreciated that, and I learned a good bit of vocabulary words as well!

All in all, I would recommend this book if you are a fan of mysteries and detectives. It kept me shocked up until the very end.

Rating: 4/5

Note: This is book 8, but can be read alone. I didn't even know it was a part of a series at first.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Trip to NY

Hi everyone! Today I'll be showing and telling about part two of my winter break trip.

During this part of the trip, I stayed in a hotel in New Jersey, and everyday we would travel over to Manhattan. I had a great time during this trip, and everything was just so big. The Macy's was 9 floors including the basement! There was also a Ferris wheel inside of the Toy's R Us. This was the busiest and most crowded place I had ever been.

The first night, my new friends and I got scammed into taking pictures with the people wearing costumes in the middle of the city (Iron-man). It also rained like crazy and was wet everywhere, but I still had a good time. One of the things that was hard to miss was the traffic and air. The pollution was so thick that it was hard to breath the first night, and I honestly couldn't understand how the people could stand it. Along with that, traffic was so insane! The pedestrians even more so. No one waited for the crosswalk lights, they just walked into super busy streets!

The city was great, but could boring at times, so it was a nice adventure to visit Ellis Island. I hadn't been there since I was like ten, and again everything was so different then what I remembered. We took a tour around the island and went into the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. This was our final day in NY, and it was my favorite. Oh! we also visited museums there as well (we latched onto a terribly boring tour at one point though).

Some stores visited were: Macy's, H&M, Toy's R US, Build a Bear Workshop-where I got my bunzy!, and a few more I'm sure.

Me! I didn't realize it wasn't rotated, and got to lazy to do it when I found out. hahaha

My two new friends and roomies

Me again!

And again...


p.s. I feel like posting this is out of place after the church massacre in South Carolina. These times are so crazy, and its sometimes hard to know what to pray for. But, once you ask to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, he can fill the gap for us. (Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us in wordless groans.)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Trip to DC with pictures and a short clip

Over Winter Break, yes a few months ago when I didn't have a blog :/, I decided to go on a trip to DC, and then to NY. The opportunity was provided by my University, and ever since I knew about it, I wanted to go. I was finally able to afford it, so I figured why not.

DC was definitely an experience, and I saw the good and bad of it. I had been before since I used to live in Maryland, but I don't think I ever experienced it like this before. The perspective of children and adults are always so different (I visited as a little girl). The first thing I noticed however, was that this place was beautiful. It was like being in a completely different country. Like some awesome place in Europe (maybe Greece).

I loved my time there at first, but by the end of the second day, I was completely over it. The thing is, I had never seen so many homeless people before in life. I wondered how this supposedly great city could have so many people lying in the dirt at night. I didn't know what to do, or how to react to them, but everyone around me just seemed to ignore them easily. The experience that struck me the most was when this women came up to me asking for help, and I had no idea what to do at the time. I had never felt so useless. This city started to sadden me greatly, so by then I was glad that we were leaving the next day.

I do have great memories as well, and I did have a good time. There were so many things to do, and some were even free, like the museums. As a whole, I did enjoy my time in DC. I just can't ignore the negative aspects of it as well.

Taken by Lisa Ajala

Made out of Aluminum foil!

The Hope Diamond

In the Spy Museum, which was a lot of fun.

Hope you enjoyed!
